portal.mittelalter.com - Das europäische Mittelalterportal (de) http://portal.mittelalter.com Das europäische Mittelalterportalfür alles rund um die Epoche: Stadtfeste, Events, Märkte und Festumzüge, Kunst und Museen, Theater und Konzerte... de-de 2025 Mittelalter.com Fri, 04 Oct 2019 06:03:58 GMT Veranstaltungen in Deutschland (Europäisches Mittelalterportal) http://portal.mittelalter.com http://www.mittelalter.com/img/pergament_intro_top.png Das Europäische Mittelalterportal der Mediävistik (Portal.Mittelalter.Com) 120 Cluain Mhic Nois <p>An Early Christian site founded by St. Ciarán in the mid-6th century on the eastern bank of the River Shannon. The site includes the ruins of a cathedral, seven churches (10th -13th century), two round towers, three high crosses and the largest collection of Early Christian graveslabs in Western Europe.&nbsp;</p> &#65279; http://portal.mittelalter.com/?r=sai&i=RGEgaXN0IGFiZXIgamVtYW5kIE5ldWdpZXJpZyExNzQxNjExOTQ1MjUxNDUxMTE2NzQ5TXNGIEdyZWdvcg== http://portal.mittelalter.com/?r=sai&i=RGEgaXN0IGFiZXIgamVtYW5kIE5ldWdpZXJpZyExNzQxNjExOTQ1MjU5MTE1NDc2NDExTXNGIEdyZWdvcg==